Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Kaleidoscope Painter

I don't even remember how I originally found this awesome kaleidoscope painter, but I am really glad I did. It's easy and fun to create beautiful images, and is great for a child who is starting to learn their way around computers (so, probably a 2 year old since kids learn these things so quickly.) Hopefully some one out there will enjoy this website and I hope it will bring a little needed procrastination :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mini Babybel Light Cheese

Okay, so I write about food a lot. But this cheese is delicious, and doesn't have too many calories. Plus, you get to peel the wax off and that's fun :) They are a little pricey (at my grocery store I think they are $4 for 6 cheeses) but luckily my mom gives me coupons!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I always get excited when I see a blimp. There is one flying by my window right now. I don't know why I think they're so funny, possibly because they seem so anachronistic or maybe because they are essentially giant balloons. Or perhaps because I associate them with football stadiums and other fun events. It also reminds me of this one time when I was little a blimp flew so low over our neighborhood that we could wave to the pilot! It was totally awesome.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Love Language

This video from the Jubilee Project not only has a great message, but it's really entertaining and enjoyable. The Jubilee project is a non-profit that makes videos for a good cause. According to their mission statement, their goal is to "make entertaining videos that will empower, enable, and inspire others to do good as well." Their videos are all posted on YouTube. Sponsors pledge donations based on the number of views each video gets. It's an interesting concept! Check them out.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Foam Roller

I love my foam roller. If you're not a runner (or some other form of endurance athlete) you may not have experienced the amazingness of a foam roller. Or maybe you tried one once at the gym and thought it was simply a form of torture. However, you would be mistaken. While it does hurt like the dickens, it is that good hurt, the hurt that tells you something is happening deep in your muscles. As someone who loves massages but who can't afford them all the time, the foam roller is the next best thing. It's an easy form of self-massage, allowing you to target the muscles that need a little extra love and attention. I especially love rolling on my IT bands. Heaven!