Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow Days

I don't really like snow too much, but I do love a good snow day. I prefer surprise snow days, when you get a phone call in the morning saying that school is closed. I love reaching over to turn off my alarm and snuggle under the blankets for another hour. I love sitting on the couch in sweatpants all day, watching terrible daytime TV, and cooking something delicious, and knowing that you don't have anywhere to be. I love drinking hot chocolate and watching the snow fall from the warmth of my living room. It's such a wonderful feeling.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Weird Family Traditions

For Christmas the last few years, while eating dessert my family opens these poppers which contain a joke, a prize, and a paper crown. We all put on the crowns and go around the table reading the jokes and laughing and exchanging prizes. My grandfather's crown is always crooked which makes me laugh. It's such a random tradition, but one that I absolutely love.